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Tống Văn Vạn is currently a lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Dr. Tống Văn Vạn graduated from the Talented Engineer Program in Information Technology at Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2017 and successfully defended his PhD thesis at Paris-Est Créteil University in 2021. His research areas include blockchain, cybersecurity, SDN, machine learning, and network fault diagnosis. He has served as a member of the organizing committee for several prestigious conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM 2019 and IEEE HPSR 2021. Additionally, he has been a reviewer for many renowned conferences and scientific journals.


Van Van Tong, Sami Souihi Hai-Anh Tran and Abdelhamid Mellouk, Troubleshooting for Network Operators: The Road to a New Paradigm with Encrypted Traffic, Wiley Ed./ ISTE Publishing Knowledge, ISBN : 9781786308672, 184 p, 2023.


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