Team of INtelligent Control for NETworks – TincNET / Contrôle Intelligent dans les Réseaux (CIR) / Images, Signals and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (LISSI) – University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).

The Tincnet team is pleased to have welcomed Prof. Guoling to the IUT Creteil-Vitry for a conference, followed by a meeting with the various team members as well as students from EPISEN.
Academic exchange trip with EPISEN students to Oran (Algeria).
Congratulations to Dr. Tuan-Tran CHU for obtaining his PhD on "A New Solution for the Complex Management of the Internet of Things Combining Software-Defined Networks and Edge Computing: Use Case in E-Health," supervised by Prof. Mellouk and mentored by Dr. Labiod and Dr. Augustin.
Congratulations to Dr. Abhishek Djeachandrane for obtaining his doctorate on "Implementation of an intelligent and self-regulated decision support system based on Quality of Experience (QoE) centered on the application," supervised by Prof. Mellouk and mentored by Dr. Hoceini.