Team members

Thiago ABREU

Thiago Wanderley Matos de Abreu is a researcher specialized in multi-hop wireless networks and computer science. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, focusing on modeling and analyzing the performance of wireless networks based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. Currently, he is an associate professor at the École Publique d’Ingénieurs de la Santé et du Numérique (EPISEN) at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. His recent research includes areas such as predicting the quality of surface waters using machine learning and smart communications for autonomous systems. In addition to his teaching and research, he has published several papers in specialized journals and contributed to research projects. His work is available on open-access research platforms such as Google Scholar and ResearchGate.


  • 2017 – University Lecturer

  • 2015 – Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – France Ph.D. in Computer Science – modeling and analysis of the performance of multi-hop wireless networks, based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, where communication between two stations involves intermediate nodes (“relays”).

  • 2011 – Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil Master in Electrical Engineering

  • 2008 – Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Teaching and Responsabilities

    • Associate Professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC). Period: Since September 2016.
      • Faculty: School of Public Health and Digital Engineering (EPISEN).
      • Research: Laboratory of Images, Signals, and Intelligent Systems (LISSI).
    • Head of the International Relations Office at the EPISEN School of Engineering (UPEC). Period: Since September 2020.
    • Member of the EPISEN management team.
    • Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Rennes 1/IRISA. Subject: Modeling and performance evaluation applied to content-centric networks. Thesis supervisor: Dr. Yassine Hajdjad-Aoul. Period: 2015-2016.
    • Associate Professor at the University of Rennes 1 – Master’s in Networks, France. Period: 2015-2016.
    • Research Engineer at the Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris 6. Subject: LTE network modeling and performance. Thesis supervisor: Dr. Bruno Baynat. Period: 2014-2015.
    • Associate Professor at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 – Master’s in Computer Science 1, France. Period: 2012-2014.

Conferences and Technical Committees

  • Track Chair in Next Generation Networking and Internet (NGNI), IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 8-12, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • CSR TC Chair, responsible for Special Interest Groups (SIG), since September 2022.

  • Member of the Technical Committee (TC), CSR (IEEE Communications, Switching, and Routing).

  • TPC Co-chair, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), June 7-11, 2021, Paris, France.

  • TPC Co-chair, Smart Communications in Network Technologies Conference (SaCoNet), funded by IEEE ComSoc, October 28-31, 2018, El Oued, Algeria.

  • TPC Member, 18th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN), November 25-26, 2021, Alicante, Spain.

  • TPC Member, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Communications Software, Signal Processing for Communications Symposium, December 9-13, 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.

  • Session Chair, “Topics in Next Generation Networks (NGNI-3),” IEEE Global Communications Conference 2022 (GLOBECOM), December 7, 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Session Chair, “Cell Networks,” 7th IEEE Smart Communications in Network Technologies 2018 (SACONET), October 29, 2018, El Oued, Algeria.

Research Projects

International Projects :

  • FORBATH: Microbial water quality forecasting in urban inland and coastal bathing waters. Funding: Eurostars project (E115737). Period: 2022-2025. 6 partners from 3 countries (France, Portugal, Germany). Role: Co-responsible at UPEC.
  • CAMION: Mobile Social Network based on caching. Result: Eurostars project (E9083). Period: 2014-2016. Partners: 3 partners from 2 countries (France, Spain). Role: Researcher.

French Projects :

  • HUBOmics: A distributed data storage platform (Health & Environment) and automatic metadata extraction. Funding: “Bonus Qualité Enseignement-Recherche” (BQ-ER) from UPEC. Period: January-December 2020. 4 French partners: LEESU, LISSI, Gly-CRRET, IMRB. Role: Co-leader.
  • HiFlow: Impact of pollution on the health of emerging patients. Funding: “Amorçage” grant from Paris-Est Sup, 2021. Period: 2022-2025. Partners: UPEC, Gustave Eiffel University, ARS-IDF, Departmental Council 94, Public Hospitals of Paris Association. Role: Co-leader.
  • OptiFlux: Optimization of patient flow in emergency departments. Funding: “Bonus Qualité Enseignement-Recherche” (BQ-ER) from UPEC. Period: January-December 2021. UPEC member. Role: Co-leader.
  • Urbapoll: Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to monitor urban pollution in smart cities. Funding: OPUR (Urban Pollutants Observatory) program. Period: January-December 2021. Members: 3 UPEC laboratories (LEESU, LISSI, LISA). Role: Co-responsible.
  • IDEFIX: Smart design of the future mobile Internet for better user experience. Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR). Period: 2013-2016. Members: INRIA, IMT, UPMC, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, UAPV, Orange. Role: Researcher.
  • RESCUE: Coordinated network for infrastructure support with mobile nodes. Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR). Period: 2011-2014. Members: INRIA, UPMC, LAAS CNRS, France Télécom, ENS Lyon. Role: Researcher.

PhD Co-supervision

  • Abdelhak Heroucha. End-to-end trust among heterogeneous IoT systems for healthcare applications. Started in January 2024 (ongoing). Funded by a PhD grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (2024-2027).
  • Junyi Zhong. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things for monitoring and adapting to urban pollution in smart cities. Started in October 2021 (ongoing). Funded by the CSC-ParisTech doctoral scholarship program (2021-2025).
  • Manel Naloufi. Spatio-temporal variability of microbiological contamination sources in surface waters during rainfall events. Started in April 2021 (ongoing). Funded by an industrial-oriented PhD program (CIFRE) in collaboration with the city of Paris, France.

Prototypes and Platforms

  • Design and implementation of a low-cost IoT sensor platform for water quality measurement at two sites on the Marne River in the Paris region (Saint-Maur-des-Fossés and the Villette Basin) for better evaluation of the temporal and spatial distribution of contaminants.
  • “Connected Health Lab (CHL)” platform: It replicates a use-case laboratory in the field of e-health and telemedicine, aimed at combining research, technology transfer, innovation, and education. A software-defined network (SDN) ensures the interconnection between various devices, allowing the evaluation and validation of network solutions.

Popularization and Scientific Outreach

  • Co-organization of the “Smart Agri-Tech” Days. In SACONET Action, University of El Oued, Algeria, February 25-26, 2023. Invited by Prof. Abdelhamid Mellouk (organizing committee).
  • Tutorial: Sensor networks and XBee communications using Raspberry Pi. In SACONET Action, El Oued, Algeria, February 22-23, 2023.
  • Speaker: “Digital technology in support of social action.” In the Directorate of Innovation and Social Action, French Ministry of Solidarity and Health, June 17, 2022.
  • Digital technology for social actions, Department of Innovation and Social Action, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, June 17, 2022.
  • Speaker: Professional experiences and career. In the “Tech Café,” organized by the IEEE Student Branch of the Federal University of Pará in Brazil for engineering alumni (, December 10, 2021 (virtual format).
  • Co-organization of the webinar “Towards e-health in the post-confinement era: epidemic experiences from Africa and Europe,” July 9, 2020. Virtual seminar.
  • Speaker: Connected health, technologies, deployment, and legislation. In SACONET 2019 workshop plenary, University of Oran, Algeria, December 21, 2019. Invited by Prof. Abdelhamid Mellouk (organizing committee).
  • Participation in roundtable: Contribution of academic research to Smart Agriculture (“Blockchain, Data, and the Internet of Things”). At the EduPi 2019 event, Manouba, Tunisia, November 30, 2019. Invited by Dr. Sami Souihi (organizing committee).
  • Tutorial: Data reliability and communication in healthcare. In the Autumn School on digital development through intelligent communications, El Oued, Algeria, October 27, 2018.


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