Team members Joshua BEGUE About Journals Conferences Joshua Bègue is a Phd student. Title of his Phd : Study of the relationship between subjective quality of experience and physiological signals using a multimedia contexte. Journals J. Bégue, M. A. Labiod, A. Mellouk “New Approach for an Affective Computing-Driven Quality of Experience (QoE) Prediction”. IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Ed., 61(10): 54-60 (2023), (2023) (Q1, IF=8,3). Conferences J.Begue, M. A. Labiod, A. Mellouk, “A Multi-Task Approach for Real-Time Quality of Experience Factors Prediction from Physiological Data”, IEEE GlobeCom 2023, 4–8 December 2023, Malaysia.