
Poqemon-QoE-Dataset :

Database of subjective measures of the quality of experience perceived by the users of a video broadcasting service in mobile environments (Android ecosystem).

218 people participated in the data collection and it contains 2100 examples (34 different metrics were considered).

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QoE-Dataset-VLC-Indicators :

Database of subjective measures of the quality of experience perceived by users of a video distribution service in a controlled environment.

96 people participated in its development and it contains 800 examples (11 metrics were considered).

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QoE-Affective-computing-Datatset :

Database of subjective measures of the quality of experience perceived by users of a video streaming service in a controlled environment integrating emotional parameters related to facial expression. 14 people participated in its development and it contains 114 examples.

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Netflow QUIC :

150GB database of QUIC encrypted traffic composed of more than 20,000 streams with five different types of services. We used this database to implement an encrypted traffic classification solution.

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